‘Like’ buttons are found to be powerful in building communities. The sense of connectedness you feel to someone adding a stamp of approval in the form of hearts or stars immediately draws you into the community. More often than not, being part of the community then leads to conformity of thoughts.

The problem brews when social media like Twitter enables the radicalisation of new extremists because of the communities they are able to form online. The extremist groups lure new members in by using their desire for a sense of belonging.

Recognising that its platform is abetting the formation of dangerous communities, Twitter is taking active steps towards “dismantling the echo chambers”. And Oone of the changes they are considering is to remove its ‘like’ button.

Read the full article on Quartz: Social media “likes” build communities online—but that goes for extremists, too


The consideration to remove the button sparked a debate,  – and mostly negative reactions,  – by the Twitter community. The Twitter team wanted to communicate with its users that they are looking into possible changes to “incentivise the right behaviors to drive healthy changes”. However, the Twitter users seem to be asking for a different focus in conversation, which is how Twitter can protect its users from harassments, threats, and hate speech.   

Social media platforms have come under scrutiny in the wake of being enablers for negative, anti-social, and even violent behaviors. T, even though heymany started out with the intention to build communities. Naturally, different types of communities would form via the channels available to them. It seems like social media has opened a can of worms, and arecompanies are now urgently figuring out how to manage the negative consequences.

Questions for further personal evaluation:

  1. How trustworthy are public statements made by tech companies?
  2. What are the pros and cons of a ‘like’ button on Twitter or any social media platform?

Useful vocabulary:

  1. ‘emulate’: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
  2. ‘panacea’: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  3. ‘foment’: instigate or stir up
  4. ‘phatic’: denoting or relating to language used for general purposes of social interaction, rather than to convey information or ask questions.

Picture credits:https://pixabay.com/en/cell-phone-phone-mobile-phone-1245663/